Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris New Trailer Reveals Original Character

New trailer for Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris revealed before Gamescom

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 19, 2019

This weekend was the "Sword Art Online Beaters" Meeting in Akihabara, Japan. This is a special event for fans of the series to meet and during the convention, Bandai Namco revealed a new trailer for Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris. 

Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,

The new trailer showed off a new original character named Medina Orthinanos also shown in new key art released thanks to Gamestalk.

Unfortunately, no release date was provided for Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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