Devil May Cry 5 May Happen

We'll finally get a sequel to Devil May Cry 4

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 11, 2016

Devil May Cry 5 may happen, unless the voice actor who leaked it is either lying or misinterpreted.

Devil May Cry 5,Voice Actor,NoobFeed,

The voice actors resume no longer list Devil May Cry 5 but at one point it was listed on the person's CV. The Norwegian actor listed his role as "lead" but didn't state the character. If true this could mean that we'll finally get a sequel to Devil May Cry 4 which released back in 2008, with a remastered version released June 2015.

With E3 only a few days away if Capcom does plan to reveal Devil May Cry 5 it'll be there.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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