Mass Effect Games May Get Remastered
Commander Shepard should make another return
News by Grayshadow on Aug 16, 2016
We've seen some great remasters this generation such as Grand Theft Auto V receiving a FPS option and all 3 BioShock games rereleasing with updated graphics and every piece of content. EA has avoided this trend but may break this route and join everyone else.
Gameinformer's Mike Futter spoke to Patrick Soderlund, the vice president of EA, about the topic.
Asking that EA and Activision have avoided remastered Soderlund explained that EA is interested in remakes but it has to be an experience that not only harkens to the original game but breath new life for those already familiar with it.
"A remaster is something that you can just do or do it really well. I want to make sure that if we were to do it, we would do it really well and that people feel that it's the same game but it feels so much better in this new shape and form. There have been titles that have come out that have done it really well, and there have been others that maybe haven't done it so well. We just want to make sure that we stay in the 'done it really well' camp."
Mass Effect: Andromeda has been on the minds of many people since it's recent trailer at E3 2016. Right now little information is known about it past some leaked alpha footage highlighting a jetpack and that the original characters won't be returning.
Soderlund reassured that he played three hours of the game and that reason it's absent from Gamescom is that it isn't the right time to showcase it.
Personal Take: Given that EA has the Titanfall 2 technical test coming up this weekend and afterward Battlefield 1's beta attempting to push Mass Effect into the scene would most likely divert attention from those projects.
Source: Gameinformer
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