Phil Spencer Updates Fans on Crackdown 3 and Phantom Dust
Despite Scalebound's cancellation Phil Spencer reassures fans with updates on other Xbox exclusive games
News by Grayshadow on Jan 13, 2017
Scalebound's cancellation has stirred a lot of issues with fans. One fan asked the Head of Xbox to give updates on other Xbox exclusive games the Phil Spencer delivered.
When asked the Head of Xbox assured fans that not only is Crackdown 3 on schedule but Phantom Dust as well. Phil Spencer stated that he played Crackdown 3, which means gameplay elements are currently being developed, but only saw Phantom Dust which means it's probably a long way off.
Phil Spencer mentioned earlier this week Microsoft still intends to take risks on new IPs despite the cancellation of Scalebound.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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